The Elztal region

Germany - the start of it all

THE ELZTAL REGION is situated in the southern part of the Schwarzwald (Black Forest), close to Freiburg and to Strasbourg (in France). It is part of the Land (administrative region) of Baden-Württemberg and is also known as the Zweitälerland: this means ‘area of the two valleys’, the two valleys being the Elztal and Simonswäldertal.

Four communities in the Elztal region are twinned with Worthing:                      

A visit to Emmendigen

A typical scene in a town in the Elztal Region with cobbled streets and just look at the architecture!

The Elztal Region

The map is centred on Waldkirch where we stayed in 2023 but make use the controls to zoom in and out and explore this area of the Black Forest

From 1997 until NOW

Our thanks have to go to Brigitte Pierce, the founder of the Worthing Twinning who had moved to England and, back in the 1980’s, was teaching German to students in Worthing. She started to organise visits to the Black Forest in Germany for the group and then in 1993 joined a newly founded Twinning Committee and proposed the Elztal Region.

Whilst the original Twinning group did not last long, new members did step forward and over the next few years, Brigitte and her husband Roger, Jo and Frank Hutchinson, Paul and Judy Webster and Mike and Val Bolt between them forged the links between the two communities to what it has become today.